The backdrop for Michaelmas 2022 was a world gradually emerging from pandemic lockdowns. This ran alongside a strong cohort of members who cheered us on to bring back our annual Michaelmas Dinner. And so we did.
We were back once again at the superbly convivial Cercle Munster on a peculiarly warm late October evening, graced with fine wines and presented with dining delights such as “confit de canard”, “tartare de duo de saumon” and a lovely “tarte aux agrumes” which quite simply hit the desired note at the end of the meal.
Martin Curwen and John Speed, our Chairman and Secretary, gave a brief overview of the Society’s activities since the last annual dinner. The stage was then set for our guest speaker, Christophe Schiltz.
Christophe, having been named by the Grand Duc as a member of the State Council, while also now being a Member of the Arbitration Court at the Hague, “ministre plénipotentiaire” and “coordinateur général de la coopération au développement et de l’action humanitaire”, informed us about the some of the workings of the State Council and went on to field a large number of questions from our members and guests thereafter. The free flow of questions arising after the talk bore testimony to the interest that was evoked about the workings of the State Council.
The evening rounded up with coffee in the Library with “miniardises” and relaxed chatting about the artwork that was on exhibition at the Cercle.
Text by Rakesh Bhana
Photos by John Speed