The Annual General Meeting of the Cambridge Society was held at the Brasserie Kirchberg on Thursday, 8 June, 2023. Twelve members of the Society were in attendance and four members had sent in their proxies. Apologies were received from a further six members. The meeting was chaired by Martin Curwen, the Society’s Chairman and John Speed acted as Secretary and scrutineer.
John Speed presented the Report on Activities which had been circulated to all members beforehand. This set out the social activities organised by the Society during the year and the programme of support and advice to students in Luxembourg who were interested in applying to study at Cambridge. Notable activities that were highlighted were the participation in the Ministry of Education’s Student Fair and the practice interviews that were organised together with the Oxford Society for students who had applied to Oxbridge. The meeting noted with satisfaction that six students from Luxembourg have undergraduate places at Cambridge starting in October 2023, one of whom was accepted last year to read Medicine but who deferred a year.
Another acticity of note was the Conference and Dinner with David Harley, CMG in 21 March 2023 held at the Golf Club Grand Ducal. David Harley spoke about his long career as senior official in the European Parliament where he rose to be the Deputy Secretary General, and where he had interacted with many of the most significant European politicians over many years. His talk was excellent and most interesting. The Golf Club provided a first class Dinner.
The Financial Statements for the 2022-23 period were presented by Pit Breyer, Treasurer . The Commissaire aux comptes, Christopher Brealey, had provided a written report that the accounts accurately presented the financial position of the Society for the period. The accounts were approved by acclamation.
The Committee and Commissaire were formally discharged.
All the current members of the Committee expressed willingness to continue. Carl Shneider declared that he was interested in joining the Committee – The meeting approved by acclamation the composition of the Committee with the addition of Carl Shneider for the coming year.
The membership fee was maintained at €30. It was decided that new members joining before 1 July should pay the full fee, while members who join during the period 1 July to 31 December should pay €15.
The meeting discussed the Future Activities of the Society, starting with the list that had been prepared by the Secretary setting out what had already been scheduled. A number of other activities were suggested and were listed in the minutes and added to the list of Future Activities.
During the meeting participants enjoyed food and drinks of the Brasserie.
The minutes of the meeting were circulated to all members of the Society together with the Report on Activities, the Financial Statements and the list of Future Activities,